
how to make a messy bun

sometime i feel like uggh and you know why?  Coz of my hair I have long hair πŸ’‡and rarely i go to the parlour for trimming so guys mostly I try to make a messy bun but somehow I don't know why ❓ my attempt always give me Negative❎ result ohh yeah πŸ˜„ but this time I found a technique which really work on my bun and finally yoo successful this technique work on my bun.  And I am able to make a messy bun.  I rarely use serum and all but yeah I always recommend streax serum it really work on my hair to make them lighter and yes they look so nice  what else I want to share with you guys is this I am currently active on Pinterest and Picskart also I have a business page there I am working there also I hope you are going to check out my both the page I'll mention their link absolutely . So I am not able to find the link I think when I work on desktop i found everything so easily but no prob, I know you guys love me you will defentily find me everywhere.

Types of eyeliner

There are to many different style of eyliner  So here I am sharing some of them.  eye liner

Face Toner

Every one face pigmentation problem so here is a solution of your problem.  Hit πŸ‘‰ Instagram


Here is a list of some of the most effective home remedies and quick fixes we turn to in an acne crisis... 1-Bananas After you’ve gobbled down a banana, don’t throw away the peel! We say that because bananas are rich in potassium, vitamins, and minerals; many of which are stored in the peel. Cut out a small portion of a ripe banana peel and place the inner white side over your skin. Rub it gently for 10 minutes and wash your face. Repeat this twice a day and within a couple of days, you can say goodbye to pimples........ 2-  Ice A surprising yet effective method to  get rid of pimples  is using ice cubes. Place a single ice cube directly on top of a pimple and keep it there for about 3 minutes. The temperature of the ice cube constricts the blood vessels beneath the surface of the skin, which reduces its size. Repeat the method twice a day until your pimple is gone. 3- Baking soda The next time a zit troubles you, remember that baking soda isn’t just for cakes.

Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Skin Pigmentation

Skin pigmentation is usually harmless. However, you may want to get rid of skin pigmentation or dark spots that may appear in your face, neck, and hands. Listed below are such natural home remedies for pigmentation and dark spots from which one can try and get effective results. 1- Potatoes contain an enzyme called catecholase which works well on pigmented skin and lightens it. On the other hand, lemon is said to be natural bleach that helps in clearing the skin blemishes. Potato (grated) – 1 medium size Lemon juice – 1/3 cup Preparation time – 5 minutes Treatment time – 30 minutes How to Use Apply the mask on the pigmentation marks. Keep the potato-lemon mask for half an hour and then wash it off with water. For effective and quick results, you have to apply the mask twice daily for one month.

How to exfoliate skin???

Exfoliation is important!!! Indian skin is quite greasy compared to others  The oil secreation is due to opened pores. Heavy pollution and dirt lead to oxidation of oil and dirt forming blackheads,whiteheads, acne etc.  Therefore it is necessary to exfoliate our skin to clean up our pores and simultaneously closing it to reduce accumulation of dirt and junk Here i am sharing a DIY exfoliater All you need is HONEY and SUGAR in a bowl mix it together and gently massage it on your skin. After that wash your face with cold water or apply ice to close the pores.

Beauty tip fir glowing skin

My instagram Everybody want their skin to look perfect They want a glowing skin but due to the rush in their life they are not able to take care of their skin.So here I am with an amazing face pack which reduces tanning and gives you a glowing healthy face with no fine lines and wrinkles. And you get a fresh and perfect face. These are all home based natural ingredients and will never effect your face. Mix them all, make a thick paste and gently apply it on your face. You will see results in a week  Then continue using this face pack every day or twice a week Ingredients:- 1- besan( 1spoon) 2- dahi(1spoon) 3-haldi( a pinch ) 4-rose water( 1/2 spoon) Mix them all make a thick paste and  gently apply it on your face just do it for 7 days and you will  find a result . Then continue use this face pack every day or twice in a week..